Manor Park Fayre

On Saturday 28th July our group attended the Manor Park Community Fayre. The event was advertised as a 'Summer Shop and Play Festival - A collaboration of local businesses trying to make a difference, in partnership with Manor Park Friends and Sutton Council'. The weather was sunny warm and windy, which caused a few problems for some participants erecting gazebos. Fortunately, ours went up without problems. We did have to run after items that had blown away with a particularly strong gust of wind, some times we returned other exhibitors items. We were introduced to the Deputy Mayor, Chris Williams, who showed an interested in what we do and where we meet, and had our photo taken with him.

The QoS stall

Sales items

Demonstration samples and Group information
There were a lots of things for children to do - donkey rides, miniature petting pigs, fairground rides etc. There was a dog show, raffle and a DJ compered the proceedings. Although it was a disappointment regarding the amount of sales we made compared to previous years, we gave out information on the group, hopefully, leading to potential new members.