May 2018 - Cathedral windows demonstration

This month we had the Cathedral window demos by Marion. These were rescheduled from March, when we had to cancel due to bad weather. There were several examples to look at, giving ideas for the use of this technique.

Two pincushions and a purse using Cathedral window technique

Here are the WIP's;

An example from a WIP

There were some  finished candle mats from the workshop earlier in the year.

Halloween themed 

Awaiting beads

We also had several quilts that had been finished and one being quilted.

Attic window quilt for Project Linus, has a lovely green patterned fleece backing

Started to practice machine applique

Made at a Creative Quilting workshop with Gail Lawther. Present for makers son, a tree surgeon, hence the tree fabrics

Lovely bunny baby quilt. this one used the Pineapple technique
Some other WIP's included;

Camper van quilt for Grandson

Hexagon Christmas project
EPP using multiple shapes