July update 3

Many of us had not seen each other for several months, so it was proposed that we have a get together in a members garden. The gathering took place this week in CH's garden with glorious weather. We sat in the sun/shade and had a show and tell with some of the quilts we had been making during the lock-down. It was very nice seeing other members in person, I think we are all missing our monthly meetings. We have been asked our opinion on resuming meetings by the Centre, but so much depends on how stable the virus infection rate stays.

Most of the orphan blocks we collected at our last meeting, have found their way into Linus quilts. Here are some that have not been posted previously.

CH Linus quilt from orphan blocks

MW Linus quilt from orphan blocks

MW Linus quilt from an orphan panel

Being at home more often has made us take a look at all our fabric bits and pieces, so there were a few Scrap box quilts on show. Most of us said we don't seem to have a lot less scraps, despite the number of quilts we have managed to make from them!

CD Scrap box quilt for Linus, 9 patch blocks

MW Scrap box quilt 1

MW Scrap box quilt 2

SH Crazy scrap box quilt

Lastly we have a 9 patch block made in response to a challenge the group sent out at the beginning of lock-down, if a few more blocks turn up we may get enough for a group quilt.

HM 9 patch challenge block

July update 2

A short update this time. SH has finished this lovely quilt, with another at the binding stage.

June/July 2020 Update

Some of us have been very busy since the last post, with these lovely efforts to show for it.

BM has been making Linus quilts

Linus strip quilt 1

Linus strip quilt 2

Linus strip quilt 3

Lots of fish

CH has produced these quilts, the first two include 9 patch blocks as discussed in a previous post

Cushion panel with Ohio star border

Cushion panel with 9 patch border

Monochrome strips

CD has been working on these

Crazy Paving, UFO started 2011, finished 2020.
This pattern is good for any FQ's you have had for years and never used.
9 are needed for a set of 9 squares, works for any size.

Made for Lullingstone Challenge "Two Fabrics", cotton and silk 

Linus scrap box quilt 03
I hope you are enjoying these posts, hopefully we may be able to restart our meetings come September. Personally, I am missing them and can't wait to get back. Don't stop sewing and please send the results so we can keep up the posts.