Ewell Village Craft Fair - July 2016

On the 9th of July we took our handmade fundraising items to a Craft Fair at the Glyn Hall in Ewell Village. It was organised in aid of the Sunnybank Trust, a local charity that works with people with learning difficulties, and ran at the same time as the annual Ewell Village Fair. After taking out the fee for the table, we made a profit of £31.50, which went into our funds. Christine, Sabine and Lesley 'manned' the table from 12 to 4. There was a steady flow of people through the hall as a result of all the advertising Annette (the organiser) had placed throughout the village and local publications.

Christine and Sabine

July 2016 - Block a month - LeMoyne Star and Goose Tracks

The last instalment of blocks being demonstrated this month all involved inset seams, and consisted of Bow-tie, LeMoyne star and Goose tracks. (Rotary cutting instructions are linked to LeMoyne star and Goose tracks)


LeMoyne star

Goose tracks

Blocks from previous months were on display. These demonstrate the various applique techniques. 

Flower basket

Friendship star

Honey bee

Spring blossom

Friendship star, Honey bee, Spring blossom and basket

Flower basket
These are some from earlier demonstrations.

Double nine patch and Bears paw

Drunkards path, Star in a star, Card trick and Monkey wrench

Lily, Wedding ring, Shoo fly and Jacob's ladder

Bear's paw

Wedding ring

Star in a star
The Sampler quilt demonstrations have been very popular with our members.It looks like there will be some beautiful quilts produced as a result.

We also had some work in progress and a finished quilt to admire.

A very pretty QAYG sampler

Log cabin wedding gift quilt, nice setting of the blocks with centre appearing to float above the quilt.