Our December Meeting

Thank you to everyone who came along to our meeting last night (Thursday 5th December), great to see so many of you and also welcome to our 3 new members.  The discussion of your 'favourite quilting book' was really interesting, please see separate page which lists our favourite books which we will add to periodically.

Next Meeting - Thursday 5th December

Please note that our next meeting will be on Thursday 5th December at 7.30pm.

This month we will be bringing along our favourite quilting/fabric books to talk about (and get some ideas for those Christmas presents as quilters are so hard to buy for!!!).  We will then start a list of our favourite things on this blog for everyone to refer to.

Do not worry if you don't have a favourite book or are a beginner, it will give you a great opportunity to start to learn more and see what other people find useful on their quilting journeys.

Hope to see you there.

Christmas Projects

Meeting on 7th November 2013.

It is November and the Christmas adverts have started appearing on TV, so lets join in and get an early start on Christmas decorations and cards. Although this suggestion is greeted by the odd person muttering 'I do not do Christmas', all members turning up obviously do, as they got stuck in to the small projects on offer. Three of the projects were particularly popular, Scandinavian heart, Japanese folded pocket and Victorian lozenge decorations. There are some pictures in the Gallery of the worked examples and links to the instruction sheets below.

Christmas tree card instructions 

Folded star card instructions

Scandinavian heart instructions

Victorian lozenge instructions

Japanese folded pocket instructions

Secret garden/cathedral window instructions

Hopefully members will bring their completed projects to the next meeting and we can post some more pictures. Members will have an opportunity to try cards at Decembers meeting as we did not have enough time to try them this month.

Holy Trinity Christmas Shoe Box collection

At our meeting on 5th October, one of our members gave information about the shoe box collection that the Holy Trinity Church are organising.  Basically handmade items are donated (such as gloves, bags, hats) and then the items are put into shoe boxes and shipped to deserving communities in the world.

If you would like to sew a 'hair scrunchie' or make a pineapple hat from fleece, then please see the attached instructions.  All made items can be donated at the Church or at our next meeting on 7th November.

 Click here for instructions

Project Linus

Thanks to Liz from Project Linus for an interesting talk about the great work that Project Linus are doing in our area, as well as nationally and internationally, such a great charity to support. 

Quilters of Sutton will be making a group quilt in 2014 to donate to Project Linus so watch this space for further information.

One of the quilts on display was a T shirt quilt for teenagers.  This is a pattern that has been reproduced specifically for Project Linus with the kind permission of Mary Mashuta. 

Click here for a copy of the pattern.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of Quilters of Sutton will be taking place on

Thursday 3rd October
7.30pm - 9.30pm
The Trinity Centre, Maldon Road, Wallington

We will be having a talk from Liz, the local representative for Project Linus, letting us know about the valuable work that Project Linus is involved with, helping children and teenagers at our local hospitals.  Come along to find out more about this wonderful charity and how you can help.

Exciting News - we now have a new venue

Exciting News

We are pleased to announce that the Quilters of Sutton now have a new venue for all their meetings.

Our meetings will take place at:

The Trinity Centre
Holy Trinity Church
Maldon Road
We look forward to seeing you there on the first Thursday of each month.

Looking for New Members

Quilters of Sutton is a fairly new group and will be moving to a central Wallington location as of our October meeting on 3rd October 2013, we are looking for new members so if you or anyone you know is interested in finding out more, please come along.  We are open to anyone interested in patchwork and quilting, whether you are new to the skills and want to learn more or have many years of experience.  We look forward to seeing you.


If you are interested in becoming a member of Quilters of Sutton, please come along to our next meeting on 5th September.  You will then be able to complete a membership form, our annual fee is £25, payable in September each year, or you can attend as a visitor for £3 each meeting for up to three meetings to enable you to find out more.  After three meetings you will then be asked if you would like to commit to becoming a full member. 

Notice of AGM

We are pleased to announce that the AGM for Quilters of Sutton will be taking place on Thursday 5th September in the Lowther Room, Woodmansterne Village Hall.  The meeting will start at 7.30pm.